Signs of Dog Allergies in Lakeland, FL
If you think your dog might have allergies, you may be right. Allergies are common in dogs, and they include a variety of different types of allergies, too. Some dogs may have contact allergies that cause their skin to break out, while others may be allergic to pollen or even to food ingredients.
Learning About Signs of Allergies in Your Dog and How to Manage Them
In this article, you’ll learn more about some of the most common signs of allergies in dogs. With this information, you can figure out when it might be time to talk to your veterinarian about the possibility that your dog could have allergies. If you have any questions, call Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic at (863) 665-3199.
Itching and Rash
Just like humans, dogs with contact allergies and even some seasonal allergies may develop an itch. This itching can continue throughout the allergy season or may occur only when the dog is in contact with the allergen causing the problem.
Dogs may also develop a rash or hives if they have contact allergies. This can also occur from fleas, however, so check your dog’s skin thoroughly to see if you notice any signs of fleas before determining that she may have an allergy instead.
Vomiting and Diarrhea
If your dog is allergic to a certain ingredient in their food, they may start vomiting frequently after they eat it. This is just like food allergies in humans, and it can be easily rectified by simply changing your dog to a different type of food that they aren’t allergic to.
Diarrhea can mean much the same thing, although it may mean a simple food intolerance instead of a full food allergy. Either way, putting your dog on a diet designed for food allergies can help your pet feel better and get back to their usual self soon.
Poor Coat Health
Dogs who have food allergies also tend to have a poor coat condition and poor overall coat health. This may mean that your dog’s coat is very thin or that her hair falls out easily, or it may mean that their coat isn’t as shiny and lush as it should be.
You know your dog best, and you should be able to tell by looking at them whether or not her coat health is up to its usual condition. If you notice their coat looking dull or haggard, even after a bath, chances are good they have a food allergy.
Sneezing and Coughing
Once again, just like humans, dogs may develop a sneeze from allergies, especially seasonal ones. Some contact allergies can also cause sneezing, although food allergies likely will not. A dog who sneezes frequently may simply be communicating in traditional dog methods, or they may have seasonal allergies.
Coughing can also mean that your dog has seasonal allergies. However, coughing can signify more serious conditions such as kennel cough or other respiratory illnesses, so it’s important to take a dog to the vet if they have a cough that lasts for more than a day or two. The vet can diagnose them from there.
Watery Eyes and Runny Nose
Dogs with seasonal and contact allergies both may have watery eyes, especially on days when the pollen count is high or when they are in contact with the allergen that causes a problem for them. If your dog has seasonal or contact allergies, their eyes may be watery much of the time.
Runny nose can also occur with seasonal allergies, although it’s not nearly as common with contact allergies or food allergies. If your dog’s nose is runny, they may also have an upper respiratory infection or could have something wrong with their teeth, so they may need to see a vet.
Licking and Chewing
Finally, frequent licking and chewing are both a sign that your dog may have an allergy. These behaviors could mean they have a pollen allergy that is acting up, a contact allergy that has been aggravated, or a food allergy.
If your dog licks or chews the same spot on their body for a long time, they may cause themself to develop a hot spot. If this happens, you may need to use an over the counter hot spot treatment or take them to the vet for more assistance in getting rid of this skin problem.
Treating and Managing Your Dog’s Allergies
Once you determine the chance of allergies in your dog, you should be ready to talk to your vet for more information. Your vet can give you the best specific information for your individual dog and can help you determine the underlying cause of the allergy, too.
Once the cause has been determined, the vet will work with you to figure out how to treat or manage the allergies in your pet moving forward. Your dog may need to take allergy medication or may simply need a new food to help her feel better in no time. Call Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic at (863) 665-3199 to learn more today.
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At Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic, our team consists of experienced veterinarians and veterinary professionals dedicated to providing exceptional after-hours emergency vet care to the pet community of Lakeland.