When To Call An Emergency Vet in Lakeland, FL

emergency vet in lakeland, flIf your pet falls ill, or gets injured in the middle of the night or when your veterinarian’s office is close, it can be a stressful time. Will your dog be ok waiting until you can reach your veterinarian? Or should you go ahead and call an emergency veterinarian or urgent care vet?

It can be a difficult decision to make, but it is one that could save your dog’s life and you some heartbreak. Read through our list of reasons to call an emergency vet. If you think your pet is in need of urgent care, call Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic in Lakeland at (863) 665-3199.

Reasons To Contact An Emergency Vet

You know your dog better than anyone, and noticing changes, even small ones, is important to ensuring your pet gets proper care. Some of the signs that your dog needs help immediately can include:

Trouble Breathing

Dogs pant to help them cool off. But, if you notice excessive panting, you may want to keep a close eye on them. Some other signs that oxygen is not properly flowing through your dog’s body include discoloration of the gums.

Typically, your dog’s gums will be pink. If you notice that they are red, blue, or gray, it could mean that there are issues with blood flow, and in serious cases internal bleeding.

Excess Vomiting And/Or Diarrhea

Like with humans, vomiting and diarrhea can deplete the body and dehydrate it. That is especially true for pets, as their bodies are a larger percentage of water than even human bodies.

While your pet may vomit, or have diarrhea, from time to time, repeated instances can be a sign of serious illness, something blocking the intestines, or even something toxic. If you notice blood, then it is important that you immediately contact Parkway.


If you notice that your dog’s stomach is bloated, it could be the sign of a very serious problem. The build-up of gas in the stomach can quickly turn serious if the stomach rotates or twists. That movement can put pressure on arteries and veins, which results in the blood being restricted to other parts of the body.

This is potentially a deadly situation and should be taken very seriously. Restlessness and excessive panting may also be signs pointing to bloating.

Ingestion Of Toxins

Dogs and cats are curious creatures, and sometimes get into things that can be harmful to them. That includes toxins, insecticides, medications, and even certain plants. Not only could they be poisoned but eating a foreign object can also cause intestinal blockages.

Vomiting, lethargy, and a change in appetite could all be signs that your dog or cat has ingested something they should not have. If you suspect that is the case, get your pet to a vet as soon as you can.


No one wants to see their beloved pets in pain or suffering. If your dog or cat has experienced some kind of trauma, it might be a good idea to have them examined out of an abundance of caution. As we have mentioned, pets can be good at hiding when things are bothering them.

Accidents can include falls from higher places, being hit by a vehicle, and even getting into a fight with another animal. You want to make sure that your pet has suffered any blood loss, internal injuries, cuts, or broken bones. If you notice any of these, get your pet urgent care immediately.


If your dog suffers a seizure, there is no question that you should seek medical help. There are a number of things that can cause seizures, but it is a sign of abnormal brain activity.

It can be caused by a number of diseases, including kidney and liver disease. It can also be a sign of a head injury, certain cancers, encephalitis, or electrolyte problems.

Difficulty Urinating

Your dog or cat may be suffering from a urinary tract infection if you have noticed them having trouble urinating. But there are other issues that can lead to this, as well, which is why this cannot be ignored.

Other common contributors of urinary problems include inflammation, cancers, prostate disease, as well as stones or crystals in the bladder.

Change In Appetite

Even small changes in your pets can signal that something very serious is wrong. Have you noticed your dog or cat eating or drinking less?

While it could be your pet being a picky eater, it could also point to some diseases and infections. Your dog could also be suffering from dental problems or stress.

Finding Emergency Vet Care For Your Pet

When it comes to emergencies, being prepared is key. That is no different when it comes to our pets. Since you cannot know when your pet may become ill or get injured, it is best to have a plan in place to deal with these kinds of issues.

If you suspect that your dog has ingested something toxic, there are national numbers that you can access for help. One is the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, which can be reached at (888) 426-4435. Another option is the Pet Poison Helpline, which can be reached at (855) 764-7661.

Whatever you decide to do in the case of an emergency, call first. There may be things you can do before you get to the vet to help your dog or cat, and the facility can walk you through any steps. However, if you do need emergency vet care, call us at (863) 665-3199.

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About Us

At Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic, our team consists of experienced veterinarians and veterinary professionals dedicated to providing exceptional after-hours emergency vet care to the pet community of Lakeland.